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Programs for Forthcoming Events in Herefordshire

This information is provided as a guide only.

Full Details should be obtained from the appropriate Club Secretary.

Please note that programs are only posted here if the information and a request for inclusion has been sent from the club secretary to the Branch Webmaster.

Dances Recapped / Walked Through on request
St Michael’s Village Hall,
St Michael’s, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8TG
Sunday 7th July 2024 , 2:00pm-5:30pm
The Highland Rambler
St Andrew's Fair
Mrs Milne of Kinneff
Bill Clement MBE
Scott Meikle
Linnea's Strathspey
Polharrow Burn
Linton Ploughman
MacDonald of Keppoch
The Zoologist
The Rutland Reel
Seton’s Ceilidh Band
MacDonald of the Isles
Fisherman’s Reel
The Kelloholm Jig
The Lammermuir Hills
Ian Powrie’s FTA
Mairi’s Wedding
EXTRAS: Tribute to the Borders,A Trip to Bavaria, Butterscotch and Honey
Crib and video links available from https://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/40977/ here

Top of page Top e-mail : Webmaster rscds_hfds@yahoo.com
Secretary : contact.rscds.hfds@gmail.com

Updated 14/05/2024 © Copyright Fran Smith