Home Page clubs in Herefordshire functions in Herefordshire programs for functions Links to other sites Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

If events listed below are hosted by a club not the Branch then further information and tickets should be sought from the appropriate secretary.
Please note that club events are only posted here if a request for inclusion has been sent from the club secretary to the Branch Webmaster.

See Details by clicking on Clubs Button at top of page.
Branch Secretary: contact.rscds.hfds@gmail.com
If the Dance is Underlined in the EVENT's column the program can be found by clicking on it

Sunday 7th July 2024
2:00 - 5:30pm
Summer Dance RSCDS Herefordshire St Michael's Village Hall,
St Michael's, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8TG
Download Flyer Here
or view Cribs/ videos Here

Please bring a plate of Food
Crib/Tickets can be obtained from Herefordshire Club Secretaries
jane.mcin@googlemail.com or juneorynn@gmail.com
Wednesday 14th August
2:00 - 5:00pm
Summer Dance
Ross Reel Club
Bishpswood Village Hall
Kerne Bridge, HR9 5QT
No Program, Dances will be selected on the day. All will be re-capped/ Walked as necessary Contact
01989 763182
for more information

Club Socials in South Wales can be found at http:\\www.rscds-southwales.org.uk\functions.html
Top of page Top e-mail : Webmaster rscds_hfds@yahoo.com
Secretary : contact.rscds.hfds@gmail.com

Updated 15/05/2024 © Copyright Fran Smith